Friday, March 10, 2017

Pengalaman Interview Universiti Malaya

Hi yalls! Sis dah masuk the final semester of my studies! Next semester I will going off for industrial training. How time flies. Rasa macam baru semalam pergi interview UM, sedar-sedar dah nak grad dah.

Speaking of which, in this entry I will share with yall my interview experience in UM.
Sis applied for Sarjana Muda Ekonomi di Universiti Malaya sebagai pilihan pertama. Alhamdulillah, sis dipanggil untuk temuduga di UM. Temuduga berlangsung di Fakulti Undang-Undang, fakulti pertama yang korang akan nampak kalau masuk menerusi pagar KL. Seperti biasa, nervous dari hari sebelum lagi. Let’s go through some preparations and dos and don’ts.

1.       Sijil-sijil dan dokumen yang diperlukan disediakan dengan teratur. Sis guna folder ring dengan clear plastic tu. Jadinya, senanglah penemuduga tu nak flip satu-satu. Susun dokumen mengikut keutamaan. Kalau results, letak yang terkini dahulu (STPM, MUET, SPM, PMR). The same goes for other certificates, arrange according to which is the latest to the oldest certs. Bawa sijil yang relevan dan berkaitan sahaja. Remember, quality over quantity.
2.       Pakaian untuk perempuan boleh pakai baju kurung atau kemeja dengan seluar slack. Pakai warna-warna pastel dengan corak yang tidak keterlaluan. Baju kurung biarlah yang nampak formal dan bukan yang fancy (eg: tangan kembang, kurung pendek, jarang dll). Baju kurung yang nampak professional kebanyakannya plain, stripes, batik, songket etc. Gitulah gambarannya. Kalau nak pakai kemeja pulak, yang sesuai ialah yang berbutang penuh, warna-warna yang menenangkan diapadankan dengan seluar slack and kasut tumit bertutup penuh.
3.       Gosok pakaian anda malam sebelum. Jangan bangun pagi baru kelam-kabut.
4.       Do some research and read up! Interview ni soalan dia bukan dari buku teks, soalan yang sering ditanya biasanya pengetahuan am dan mungkin sedikit tentang latar belakang. So, buat pembacaan tentang isu semasa. Kalau boleh seminggu sebelum interview tu rajin-rajinkanlah baca surat khabar, baca isu-isu panas. Jangan nampak macam katak bawah tempurung. Satu lagi, dapatkan informasi tentang universiti tersebut (sejarah, siapa chancellor, vice chancellor) dan kursus yang anda apply (dekan fakulti, berapa tahun pengajian, nama fakulti, pengasas fakulti, tokoh alumni).
5.       Tidur awal dan bangun awal! Nothing worse than missing your interview.

Hari interview:
Datang awal supaya tak panic dan senang dapat parking berdekatan -> Dengar arahan dengan teliti -> Anda akan dikumpulkan di dalam dewan menunggu dan movie akan dipasang untuk anda tengok sementara menunggu giliran untuk ditemuduga (semua calon) -> Anda akan disusun mengikut bilik temuduga masing-masing -> Anda akan dipanggil untuk menunggu di depan bilik temuduga (5 orang pada satu masa) -> Masuk untuk ditemuduga secara individu.

Pengalaman sis ditemuduga:
Sis antara calon yang awal masuk ditemuduga. Ada 3 penemuduga di dalam which I assume are all lecturers from various courses because when I asked the other candidates outside the room, we were all applying for different courses. So, first thing bagi salam, then pass them your folder.

Soalan 1#: Introduce yourself.
So, briefly introduce yourself lah. Nama, umur, tinggal di mana, pre-U di mana, briefly tell about your family and what course did you applied to.

Soalan 2#: Your results are good. You got A for History, why didn’t you apply for Law instead?
Ini soalan dia. Haha. Instead of asking why I applied for Econs, they asked me why I didn’t apply into Law. So I told them that I didn’t even like History and it was tough for me. They actually laughed when I said I dislike History (maybe one of them was a Law lecturer oopps).

Soalan 3#: You even got A in your Business Studies, why didn’t you apply for Business?
My goodness! You see? The questions I’m telling ya. Haha. I think, the reason they asked me these questions is to make sure that I know for sure that I want to do Econs. So sis jawablah why I am more interested to pursue Econs as compared to Business.

Soalan 4#: What impact does H1N1 brings to the Malaysian economy?
Tiba-tiba ada soalan ekonomi. Wow. Btw, hari pertama sis masuk kuliah, baru sis tahu yang tanya soalan ni was my Microecons lecturer. She saw me in class the very first day and she pointed at me, “I interviewed you.” Haha she said it in front of the class. Segan sis. Anyway, jawab je lah, impak kepada sektor pelancongan, jadi pendapatan negara berkurang etc.

Soalan 5#: Alright, that’s it. DO you have any questions for us?
Haaa selesai. Simple je kan? I said no and they thanked me. Then, ambil semula folder dan keluar.

Dah, gitu je. Sesi temuduga yang sangat santai, macam borak-borak je. Panel pun boleh ketawa, senyum, nothing intense.

Final tips: Just be yourself. Apa yang mereka nak tengok ialah keyakinan diri anda and kemahiran berkomunikasi. Kalau mereka nak tengok pencapaian anda, might as well suruh anda hantar je semua sijil-sijil anda tu kan? So, the main purpose of interview is to actually see your presence, your confidence and communication skills. Anda tak fasih berbahasa Inggeris? Takpe, cuba je, guna ayat-ayat simple cukup, tak perlu bombastic bagai. Kalau tak boleh jugak, mintak kebenaran berbahasa Melayu.

Anyhow, best of luck! See ya’ll in UM! ;)


  1. Thank you! This is very helpful ! ^^

    1. You're most welcome dear :) Good luck!

    2. Assalammualaikum sis, do you know abt diploma in um, managed by Umcced. Its that valid for me to pursue there as I really wannabe a part of um family? Hee thanks ya for the inputs abt UM! Really enjoy it.

    3. Waalaikumsalam dear. For UMCCED, there are 3 courses, Human Resource, Management and Business. Of course you can apply to do diploma in UM. It is a good path to further your studies in. A lot of UMCCED students were taken into degree program in UM after they finish. You're most welcome, I'm glad you find it helpful :)

    4. Thanks for replying mine. If u don't mind, can u ws me at; 011-11682287. I hope that u can be one of the great senior@ um ambassador for me soon! Hee. And hopefully can see u soon at um! ^_^ May Allah bless You always as u has be nice to me! :)

  2. Assalamualaikum , what's industrial training if u dont mind c:

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Industrial training= practical. Basically for my course we will have to undergo a 14-week (1 semester) practical at any company of our choice in the field related to what we are studying/majoring in. My industrial training is during my final semester (sem 7) while other courses might differ. For instance my roommate undergoes her practical during her semester break. Hope I made it clear :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. assalamualaikum, nak tanya, macam mana awak apply um ya?

    1. Waalaikumsalam. Apply melalui platform rasmi UPU. I chose it as my first choice and i was called for an interview and then I was selected :) nothing out of the ordinary.

  5. Hi sis. Saya nak tanya, memang semua course degree UM akan ada temuduga ke?

    1. Hi, tak semua course ada temuduga. Bergantung juga pada sesuatu tahun. Contoh tahun sis (2014), course Ekonomi ada temuduga tapi tahun lepas (2017) course Ekonomi tiada temuduga.

  6. Assalamualaikum sis..sis ada tak social media yg boleh follow?kalau boleh nak dm or pm untuk pertanyaan..terima kasih😊

    1. Waalaikumsalam, ada saya sertakan link untuk FB dan IG di sidebar blog ini. Sila rujuk :)

  7. Hi sis :) Saya nak tanya,sis bawak sijil koko dan akademik yang asal atau fotostap?Kalao fotostap perlu sahkan tak?

    1. Hi dear, I brought only the original ones because they do not collect your certificates. They will have a look and maybe ask some questions :)

  8. Salam .Nak tanya. Ujian bertulis untuk iv degree in finance macam mana ya? Dekat um.

    1. Wassalam. Sorry for the super late reply. Saya tak pernah dengar tentang ujian bertulis. Finance is a new course introduced in the Faculty of Business and Accountancy (FBA), baru tahun ketiga this year (2018) kalau tak silap. So their method of selection is still new, I don't have friends who have sat for the written assessment. I hope you got in!

  9. Salam. Lusa i ada iv kos pentadbiran perniagaan di UM . But srious nervous gila . Can you give me any advice ?

    1. Wassalam. Sorry for the very very late reply. Tbh, just be yourself. Don't worry too much about the technical part, they just want to see your personality and attitude. I hope you made it!

  10. Sis , tak perlu bawa resume ke ?

    1. I did not bring my resume at the time. But no harm in doing so as well. It helps to showcase all your involvements and achievements so why not. I hope you got in!

  11. Salam, biasa berapa quota students yg UM pilih ye?

    1. Wassalam, bergantung pada kursus. Sebab setiap kursus ada bilangan tenaga pengajar dan kapasiti fakulti yang berbeza. Cuma menurut pemerhatian saya, setiap tahun kuota pengambilan menunjukkan peningkatan yang signikan. That could be both a good thing and a bad thing for the students. Yes, more opportunities but the cons is that mungkin kemudahan tak cukup untuk semua orang.

  12. Seriously, this entry helps me a lot as im going for an iv at um this monday.. Im deadly nervous cause idk a shit bout whts gonna happen.. Thank you sistah! May god bless you always ♥

    1. Awhh, thank you for the feedback! I hope you made it into UM <3

  13. kak, biasanya penemuduga nih interview kita dalam bahasa ape eh?

    1. Depends on the course that you applied to. Kalau course tu conducted in English then the interview will also be conducted in English. Kalau kursus macam di Akademi Pengajian Islam atau Akademi Pengajian Melayu (not sure ada interview or not for these faculties) then interview of course dalam bahasa Melayu.

  14. Hi.. saya nak tanya sikit.. saya baru je settled ujian muet sesi 1 tahun ni.. dalam permohonan UPU saya ada pilih kursus yang ada temuduga.. agak2 ada chance tak untuk saya di panggil temuduga walaupun result muet tak ada lg? ke better tak payah mohon kursus yang ada temuduga sebab sijil muet pun tak ada lg kan.. masa temuduga wajib bawa sijil muet kan?

    Harap awak sudi balas pertanyaan saya.. terima kasih..

    1. Hi, rasanya tak jadi masalah. melainkan muet yg belum dapat result tu is muet repeat, and muet yg asal awak tu tak lepas requirement course, then maybe susah sikit untuk dipanggil. dokumen untuk bawa masa temuduga tu bukanlah strict sangat. interview pun borak2 je.

  15. Assalamualaikum akak saya nak tanya, akak masa nk apply tu akak drpd mana? Means drpd matriks/asasi uitm/lain2 ?
    And akak dpt pointer brp ya? Saya risau pointer saya x lepas interview

    1. Waalaikumsalam, i did stpm (aliran kemanusiaan). my pointer was 4.00. as long as pointer awak lepas minimum requirement and lain2 requirement pun awak fulfill, ada rezeki insyaAllah akan dipanggil interview.

  16. Hai kak. Saya ada dpt tawaran iv um in course acc. Saya takut la kak. Saya tk fluent sgt in english. So agak agak boleh ke kita ckp in malay?

    1. I have no idea. I think should be okay. Ada je rasanya my friends yg jawab iv in Bahasa Melayu.

  17. Course akaun um belajar dalam english ke melayu? Dah dapat tawaran interview um dan salah satu requirement dia untk tulis karangan pasal diri. So nak tulis dlm melayu ke english?

    1. Ade ke die mintak ni? Cerita pasal diri kite?

    2. Belajar in English. Oh? Tak pernah dengar pulak such requirement. Biasanya tulis in English la sbb course tu diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris.

  18. salam kak.. saya nak tanya ..masa iv tu ade ke panel tu suruh kita speaking english atau pon kita sendiri yang decide nak speak english atau malay?

    1. Wassalam, interviewer kadang2 tanya nak jawab dalam bahasa melayu atau inggeris. Tapi biasanya lecturer akan mulakan soalan in English, so naturally the expected response should also be in English lah kan. Tapi rasanya takde panel yg akan "suruh" secara direct. Just be confident :)

  19. Harini baru dapat result untuk iv pendidikan, lusa dah iv huwaa takutnyaaa 😭 Apa preparation untuk last minit ni kak 😩

    1. I think I'm responding to this a bit too late. Anyway I will still reply for the benefit of others :) Interviews are usually done just to get to know you better i.e why you want to pursue that course, what are your goals etc. It's more to see whether you would "fit". It's never very technical. Just brush up on general knowledge and current issues :)

  20. Replies
    1. I am actually not sure. Obviously all my uni friends passed the iv. But some of them who claimed their iv was bad, still got in. So yea...

  21. Salam sejahtera. Kalau Account course, tiap tahun ada interview ke?

    1. Salam sejahtera, all courses changes every year, so I can't say for sure. But ntahla, to me the interview does not determine anything... ramai je yg tak lancar bercakap tapi still diterima masuk. Maybe just nak tgk personality and attitude dgn orang je :)

  22. Isi u Kat upu ke kena GI website satu2 u untuk apply permohonan iv?

    1. Isi di UPU my dear. Semua dah disenaraikan di sana, tinggal click je ikut pilihan keberapa yg nak diisi.

  23. Hi sis i baru dapat tawaran iv finance, Can i know this time we go iv via Google Meet and if you got any friends from finance can i know the type of question still the same ?

    1. Hi Lep, I actually don't know haha. I believe it should be specified in the letter/ iv invite given to you? Finance is a very new department under Fac of Business and Accounting- so I actually don't have friends from there haha sorry (I'm already quite old now)... But I think generally it should still be the same standard format (introduce yourself, why are you interested, and maybe 1 finance-related question- could be theoretical or current issue)).

    2. Thanks sis doakan saya next week :)

  24. Kalau dapat 3.67 stpm dan muet band 3 bole tak masuk um untuk kos pentadbiran perniagaan. Dan kena speaking dalam bhsa inggeris ke masa iv?

    1. Boleh refer UM website to see the eligibility to apply yea. Ya, interview dalam Bahasa Inggeris sebab kursus tu akan diajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Good luck!

  25. Hi sis, I'm going to take the iv next week. I would like to thank you for sharing your experience with us as I really appreciate all the help.

    1. Ah, thank you, I rarely get people thanking me haha! Hope it went well :)

  26. Askum, Di um adatak ijazah accounting and finance.... Dan apa beza accounting information dgn accounting

    1. Wassalam, ada ijazah accounting dan ijazah finance. 2 ijazah ni berasingan tau, bukan sekali. Under fakulti sama (Fakulti Perniagaan dan Perakaunan, FPP) tapi degree course lain. Accounting information should be a sub-set of accounting if I'm not wrong.

  27. hye kalau lepasan diploma account dgn cgpa 3.59 ade chance tak nak masok degree account um?? ke um ambik yg pointer padu2 je??

  28. Thankyou for sharing the experiences . it means a lot to me . All the best to you :)
